in·cu·ba·tor | Multi-Media Meet Up

in·cu·ba·tor is a space for technology-based artists and creatives to interact with guest clinicians, workshop performance ideas, receive feedback from peers, and discuss the advancement of mixed-media. This meet-up is a low-pressure and collaborative environment that will give those working in technology-based art and those interested in incorporating technology into their art, a supportive and experienced community by which to bounce ideas and hone techniques.

This event is brought to you and hosted by Media Ensemble.

3D Printing Open Lab

Do you have something you want to design or print on a 3D printer? This open lab will provide access to the library's 3D printing resources including printers, filament, and design stations!

Time will be allotted for printing larger items, as well as opportunities to ask questions about the library's 3D printers or troubleshoot your own.

3D Printing Open Lab

Do you have something you want to design or print on a 3D printer? This open lab will provide access to the library's 3D printing resources including printers, filament, and design stations!

Time will be allotted for printing larger items, as well as opportunities to ask questions about the library's 3D printers or troubleshoot your own.