
Photo of Marv Fraker, A.A.H.S. was added to this image before publishing in Ann Arbor News.

Seated: Left to Right: Marv Fraker, A.A.H.S.; Jim Cartwright, A.A.H.S.; Morton Cox, U.H.; Doug Nordman, A.A.H.S.; John Heald, A.A.H.S.; Tom Rickelmann, St.T.H.S. Standing, left to right: Coach Gene Freed, U.H.; Coach Hank Fonde, A.A.H.S.; John Batsakes, A.A.H.S.; Dick Visel, St.T.H.S.; Jerry Leith, U.H.; Frank Collins, St.T.H.S.; Prentiss Ware, A.A.H.S.; Coach Leo Wagner, St.T.H.S.; Bob Ufer, Sports Director, WPAG.
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