Cazzie Russell Receives Honors
From Teammates, Coaches
To no one's surprise, Cazzie; in today as Russell was the only.last stand for the well-balanced ka of Brigham Young, Lou Hud
Russell was selected by hisjrepeater and top vote-getter onjtype of team in the next few son of Minnesota and Bon Lew
Michigan basketball teammates | the 1965-66 National Association years. ' is of North Carolina.
as the Wolverines' Most Valua-iof Basketball Coaches All- For next year, UCLA Coach
ble Player for the past season, iAmerica team. He was joined on Johnny Wooden will finally un-
More honors continued to roll I the first team by Dave ScheU- veil the sophomore who's ex-
hase of Purdue, Clyde Lee ofjpected to dominate college bas-^
Vanderbilt, Jim Walker of Prov-jketbaU the next three years—
idence and Dave Bing of Syra-jLewAlcindor.
cuse. j Most college basketball follow-
Once gain the Player-of-the- ers seemed convinced he'll lead
Year will not be on the NCAA the Brums t0 at least one
championship team. This fact is crown the next three ^'^ -lf
becoming a thread of a familiar!1101 t"• , „ . ,
.pattern ruwn? though t h e ,. Butthen wh0 would have be-
lhampionsi -nt. lleved that P13^1'8 llke w 1 H
•• Chamberlain, Oscar Robertson
The best coneoe uasketball ^d pazzie Russell would never
player of 1966 is Michigan s ^ ^ ^ ^AA title team.
Cazzie Russell - and his mag_ Alcindor will be bucking a loS
mficent three-year, starstudded ^ tradition '
career reached a bitter-sweet The second unit of the coaches
finale when he and his Wolver-j^^ ^earn consisted of Lou
me teammates lost to Kentucky r>ampier of Kentucky, W a H
84-77, m the Mideast regionals ^^y ^ Kansas, Bob Vergil
of Iowa City Saturday night. |^ p^e ^^ ^^s of St. Jo-
The defeat crushed Russell's seph's and John Austin of Bos-
fond dream of some day play-1 ton College.
ing on an NCAA title team. But| The third team was made up
Russell has one consolation injof Jack Marin of Duke.Henry
his hour of defeat. He's joined i Finkel of Dayton, Dick Nemel-
I, a rather exclusive club — one
E already including such illustri-
ous names as Bill Bradley, Jer-
1 ry West, Oscar Robertson and
i Wilt -'vlain. They never
playi, .: NCAA title team,
either, although both West and
| Chamberlain came within one
'. point of turning the trick.
In fact, the pattern of the
. NCAA tourney in recent years
i seems to favor the teams with
g a balanced, well-rounded attack
- instead of the clubs boasting
the one "superstar." ,
t The last team led by a Play-?
. er-of-the Year selection to go all
i the way was the 1956 San Fran-
g cisco team lcd by Bill Russell,
:, who seems to be an exception i
c to all the patterns.
n! Tb— weekend in the NCAA
he top-ranked Kentucky
y ivai. - ^e definition best of
(• the dnced unit in the
^ t'-i'filK,,! vi the Cincinnati and
;A champions of recent
I Although lacking a first-team
^ All-America selection Coach
e Adolph Rupp's team plays as a
e cohesive unit with a well-disci-
d plined" attack.
is Kentucky could well be