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A Telegraphic Dispatch to the Philadelphia. North American states that the Special Committee of the Seríate reporta to establish 'a Territorial Government of the highest grade in Oregon, with a prohibición of Sluvery. In California and New Mexico Territorial Goveviiments of the lowest grade are established, and a law-making power is vested in the (overnors, Juciges and Secretaries. They are inliiljited from making laws respecting Religión, Slavery, the prirnary disposal of thesoil, or to tax thu property of llie Uriited StatM, or that of non-residenls more tlian residonts. Tlie Conslitutioti and laws of the TJ. States are extended over the territories - thus making the ijiiostion cif Slavery, so far as New Mexico and California aro concerned, a judicial one, and taking it out of the cognizanco of Congreso, unless it should choose to legislate hereafior. Mr. Calhoun and his friends surrendered their objection to the vvrit of error and appcal to the Supreme Courtof the United States, and it is therefore incorporated in the bil!. Tlio bilí contains thirty-seven sections, and próvido a Groverner, Secretary and three Jtidges for Oregon ; the sama for California, and a Governor, Scretary and two Judges for New Mexico. There weie two dissentient voices - one from the North and the other from he South." Anobhèr plot 'm Parii dfcccrvertd,