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General Taylor lms, ut last, put hitnself under the siiivicllniice ot' u " Corúmittee." Tliia, we are satisfied, ho ouglit to have dono long ugo. But xucku cüinmittee! The Lort) save the cnitntry, il'itisto ruledby a coeric, of whicb Balie Peyfon is ilie hend. Ithaving been nsserted o New Orleans tliat " Oíd Zach" had repudlnted the repreeentations rande fur liim by thc Jjouisiaim delegatea to ihe Philadelphia Convention, he aufhorízea his " Committee" to Mué the follüWHig card : A Card. - -Wo aro authorized by General Taylor to say tbat tl. o course of tho Loiysiaoa Delegation in the Wliig Couvention, Intely asseuibled at Philadelphia, nieets with his entire, MI and unequivocal npptobation. That he not only nover doubted, but never intiinnted a doubt tluit his honor and reputation weie snfo i n their lmnds. BALIE PEYTON, LOGAN HUNTON, A. C. BÜLL1TT. New Olieans, June 23, 1848. Who this Balie Peyton is, many of our readers will doubtleís remember He wns, a fe w years ince 11 tnember of Congress iVum Tennessee - one of the most notoriously infhmoua "slave bullios" thatevor disgi'aced ihe country. He has all the violent liatred of Northern men and free institutions - all that 9lveholding and slavediiyitig blood-th'rstiness that distinguUhes Ilonry A. Wise, without my of l.hosu reedeuiing qnalities, whicb in the case of Wise, command tlio admiration of even those who abhor his general character. Such is tho man selected as tho chi;'f counsellor of tho Whig candidato for the Presidcnoy. [Uein. & Freeman.] Sr. Louis, August :', 1318. Ton men have nrrived i'rom Üregou, - tlioy wcro 87 days out. Ou the lOlh of Marcli, a baltic was fouglit between tho Indiana and the Oregon regiroeut. Tlie furmer losi 50 men killed, and were defeated. - The Amevicanslosl ! killed and 10 wouuded. Tlie pur siyj v,s abandoned for want of provisione and ammuThe regiment liad been Buccessfu-1 in dcfcuding tlie territory, out wns in want of provisions, ammnnition, aiid horses. Colonel Gillman, win commaidcd the regiment, was killed alter the battle, by the accidental discharge of a rffle. Tlie [ndiani had eutertained proposition for peace, but do settlement lia'. been made. The Government has called for iliree hmidred more troops. Tho Slormoii sottlemeuU at Great Salt Lake are fluurisbing. Colonel Garland ntul Major Braat arrived from Fort Mans. ' I.ieuteiiant Rojal Uiul au engagement with the CamancUo Indiana, on the 18;h of June last, in wliich tbirty-threo Imliana were killed.