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-The ríateol Georgia seem.s to be rapidly advanc-: ing in cotton manufactures. In L'pson couniy, tliere are two extensivo collón manul'acturing establishment:, anil at Macon n nothei' iiew coiton factory 'rs now in progresa. Tlic erecüon of oilier factories is also conlemplated in Lagrnnge. The subject bffnantifacturesin the South s ane wliich is dailv altraciing public attenlion ; and we tbink ibere are ni.uiy cogent reasons why it sliöuld. The diversión of capitiil, now (ipplied lo the raisingof cotton, to its maniifuciure into cotlon goods, would bc an advanttigoous chango to both planter and cajiilalist. Il would be a safer and moru proiitable means of investment to tbc lat ter, and end to relieve the overdone condilion of he plating business. Tbat the Soutli otlbrds the natural adaniages and facilillos for exlensive ma ïuiticturing purfuils, no one can doubt.ïeorgia nbounds in water powr suffiicnt lor hnlfa dozen Lowells, and Khxbaina anil Missi'ssippi atloid exlensive wuter power. Rut even if theso were wnnting, stenm would not be a power tuo expensive lor profitqble investment. The new colton eslablishments nowerecting ut Macnn w usestoam alone as thelive power. - [N. O. Bullptin. "liero ís a bilí before Uie New Voik. Legislature colled 'tlio woiuan's bilí." Tlnt's (lie 011ly surt ufa 'bilí," wo eveí care to hme iliruoi