Drawing for Adults | Drawing with Words on AADL.TV

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it can also be made from them!  Learn how to create an image by layering words far apart or close together, with thick or thin pen strokes. The light and dark areas created by the words will form the image. For this activity, you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, eraser, ink pens, and any other colorful mediums of your choice.

Drawing for Adults | New Year Vision Board Collage on AADL.TV

Put your vision for the new year on paper!  Join Payton as she walks you through how to layer images, words, and drawings to create a personalized vision board collage. For this activity, you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, eraser, scissors, glue, and your favorite drawing mediums (ink, oil pastels, colored pencils, paint, etc.).

drawing for adults

Drawing for Kids | Greek Pottery Designs on AADL.TV

Take a trip back to ancient Greece and discover the amazing designs that were used to decorate pottery.  Payton will show you how to draw and shade a Greek vessel to make it appear 3-dimensional, in addition to decorating it with your own pottery designs.  For this activity, you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, eraser, sharpies, and either colored pencils or crayons.