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Emancipation Day

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Last Friday proved a fine day frora a reather point of view aíter the heavy mlnfall of sevt ral d;iys precedlng, and tlie attendiince in tliis city of the colored people trata différent parts of the couuty and froin neighborlng cities in celebratlon of the fittit'th anniversary of emancipatiou in the British West Indies, wws quite large. A special train from the south brouglit 4W colored citizens froni Toledo, and ainong the number was the Excelsior Blainc aiul Logan club, attired n plumed helmets, white coats, etc. The Toledo colored cornet band was also in attendance. i The colored volunteers of the 102d regiment, to the number of seventy-four, guthered on this day for their tirst remiion. Their enjoyment of tlie occasion was very evident to any one who may have seen them in conrersation, recalling the many thrilling incidents of the past. A proiessionjwas formed at the court house in the forenoon, headed by the Toledo cornet and the Ann Arbor city bands, and proceeded down Main to Relief Paik, where dinner was seived at noon to the large number of visitors. Bétwoen four and tive thousand people assembled at the Park In the afternoon, to listen to the literary program of the day, which began at 2 o'clock. On the platform were the President of the day, Wni. Graves, Rev. John K. Hart, Rev. Samuel Haskell, Jerome A. Freeraan, Hon. Rufus Waples, Dr. T. P. Wilson, and others. The exercises opened with prayer Dy ner. John K. Hart, pastor of the African M. E. church, of this city. Mayor W. D. Harriman delivered an address of welcome on behalf of the city, and Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, responded in a short and charoeterfotlc speech. Following a poein by J. H. Starks, of this city, the speaker of the day was introdi.ced, Hou. James E. O'Hara, colorad congressmüii froin the second district of Nortli Carolina, whospoke at some lengtb. Mr. O'Barat delivery is pleasing, and he made himtelf easily lieai'd by the imijority of the large undienoe before hini. His address embiuced a review of the history of' the African race frotn the time of thelr introdnction lnto the West Indies thioiigli slavery times down to the present. Mr. O'Hara was followed with a brief and well received address by Hou. A. J. Sawyer, of Ann Arboi-, wliich closed the exercises of tl ie afternoon. A dance in the eveniiiif coinpleted the day's pleasures. The colored people are to be eongratulatod on the ntccesa of thelr celobratloD in this city. Prof. O. K'. Adam and Prof. M. C. Ty" Ier, witli several otlier professors throucrhout the country, have joined in a cali for the or-janization, at the meeting of the next Social Science Assocation, of an American Historical Association. V. G. Clark, 'S4, leaves the forepart of next week for a short visit at his home in Wattíburu, l'- previons to his departan for Kolla, Mo., where he has the position of assistant professor in mathematica and ehemistry in the Missouri School of Minos for the ensulng year.