3D Printing Open Lab

Do you have something you want to design or print on a 3D printer? This open lab will provide access to the library's 3D printing resources including printers, filament, and design stations!

Time will be allotted for printing larger items, as well as opportunities to ask questions about the library's 3D printers or troubleshoot your own.

Code Lab: Turtle Logo

Learn how to draw beautiful and complex images with simple commands from the programming language Logo. We will be drawing lots of pictures on screen and explore basic coding concepts along the way.

As some typing is involved with this program, basic keyboard skills are necessary.

Geometric nautilus shape in black and white

Code Lab: Sensors

Explore the wide range of electronic sensors that can be connected to a micro-board like the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. We will use reed switches, ultrasonic and optical sensors, and more.

As some typing is involved with this program, basic keyboard skills are necessary.